This site is dedicated to the exhibition and interpretation of Spanish colonial military artifacts from that vast region of southeastern North America which once comprised the Spanish Floridas and, to a somewhat lesser extent, Spanish Guale, Luisiana, and Tejas. While other materials are included in the illustrative displays, the interpretive emphasis of this site has been placed upon military clothing and, as they evolved, uniform-related artifacts: the buttons, strap and accoutrement buckles, and insignia worn by Spain's regular, provincial, and urban militia forces in the study region.  The period of interpretation is from ca. 1539—when Hernando de Soto began his epic journey of exploration in what is now the southeastern region of the United States—to the conclusion of Spain's colonial tenure in North America in 1821.

Above, Left: Coat of Arms of Bourbon Spain (Adapted from Line Illustration by Frank Suddeth)


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Click on an image or its accompanying descriptive text line to open the subject area specified.

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Aboutpics Link.gif (1724 bytes)

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Early Button.gif (3748 bytes)
1700-1795 Buttons Link.gif (3139 bytes)

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Fleetpage Link.gif (2893 bytes)

Luisiana Icon.gif (3440 bytes)
Luisiana Page Link.gif (2583 bytes)

Buckles Buckle.gif (2717 bytes)
Buckles Link.gif (3443 bytes)

Marked Buttons Button.gif (4135 bytes)
Marked Buttons Link.gif (3438 bytes)

French Flag.gif (1153 bytes)
Bourbon France Link.gif (3251 bytes)

Grenade Artifact.gif (3088 bytes)
Assorted Spanish Artifacts Link.gif (2823 bytes)


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E-Mail Link Text.gif (2334 bytes)

© John T. Powell 1998-2015   •  All Rights Reserved
Last Revised:  December 2015